Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 6 Extra Reading Diary: Canterbury Tales

These stories are from the Canterbury Tales Unit.

The Unknown Bride: Cute story! First of all, I thought the answer to the Queen’s question of what women want above anything was pretty funny (and probably accurate for a lot of women). I also like that the knight learned his lesson about respecting women for their virtues rather than their appearance and wealth. It was a little weird that the bride was pretending to be so old, though. If she was poor and homely but around the same age as the knight, it would have been less creepy! Still, I liked the happy ending.

The Promise of Dorigen: I really enjoyed this story. Of course, any story with true love is a good story for me. At first, I really did not like Aurelius. I felt bad for him for being in love with Dorigen, since she was so clearly in love with her husband and really didn’t like Aurelius at all. But he took her words way too seriously and turned them into a promise when she was really just being facetious. However, he proved to have a heart when he realized that she would never be happy with him and that he essentially tricked her by enlisting a magician. There really were three noble and generous men in this story.

The Revelers: I love the poetic justice in this story. These rude and boastful revelers certainly got what was coming to them. They were awful to others and even to each other at the end. They naively set off to find Death (and kill him) and wind up all killing each other in a brilliant arrangement of events!


Image information: Tantallon Castle in Scotland; The Promise of Dorigen partially takes place on a castle on a cliff.

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