Sunday, February 22, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 6

What an interesting weekend this has turned out to be!

            First, I’ll start by saying that I’ve enjoyed reading people’s projects so far and am looking forward to continuing with that. I’m ahead on the Reading Diaries and Storytellings, so I haven’t done anything else for that this week.

            So this weekend (on Friday, Feb. 20th) was my boyfriend’s and my 7-year anniversary! We have now been together for an entire one-third of our lives. Yay! We had a great Friday. We went to Chili’s (big spenders, haha) and watched a movie at home. Our favorite thing to do is be at home with our cats, so it really was a nice time. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years, but I also can’t imagine it any other way.

            What was really the interesting part of the weekend, though, began on Saturday. My boyfriend played basketball all throughout high school and still plays nearly every day at the Huff. A few months ago, he went into the doctor for knee pain and found out he has a torn meniscus. He is getting surgery in a few weeks but of course couldn’t stand not playing for so long, so he’s still been playing at the Huff. Yesterday he really screwed up his knee even more, and we ended up in the emergency room this morning! He’s now on some strong painkillers and has a knee brace. No more basketball for him for a while! I’ll also be playing chauffer for a while since he can’t drive on the medicine.

            Unfortunately, all the anniversary celebration and the subsequent medical craziness has really cut into my study time for a test I have on Monday. If ever there was a day I needed a snow day, it would be tomorrow. Unfortunately, looks like that’s not happening.

            Hopefully I can get some studying done and my boyfriend will stay awake despite his painkillers. Then we can enjoy Walking Dead tonight!

(My boyfriend, Stoffel, and I back in the 8th grade!)

(Stoffel and I at the 2015 Winter Classic in DC)

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