Saturday, February 28, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 7

            This week I again haven’t done any new Reading Diaries, but I did end up writing my third story for my Storybook Project. This story (The Vanishing Wife) was originally from the Congo Unit. I changed it pretty substantially because the original story did not have a happy ending and that definitely would not work with my Storybook. I think I like how my project is shaping up overall. I still need to edit two of my stories and write my final story, but I am glad that I have a head start on the process. It is a nice break in my usual homework to be able to write a story.
            I love being able to read people’s projects each week for Project Commenting now. It is so cool to see the different directions people choose to go in. I like when the Storybooks have introductions that really seem to be tying all the stories together. One that I am reading (Gossip Greeks) does a good job of continuing the frame dialogue throughout all the stories without taking away from the stories themselves.  
            On a personal note, the timing of the winter weather has been rather disappointing this past week. It didn’t end up affecting any of my classes, but it did manage to cancel a volunteering event that the Okie Belles were supposed to have with Heavenly Hospice on Saturday morning. I am really hoping that somehow Monday classes get canceled. That would be just awesome. My family lives in Texas and they got two to three days off last week. Now I feel like it should be my turn.

            My other classes have kind of settled into a lull. I just had a presentation and a test, so I don’t have anything big coming up before Spring Break. I just have mostly reading and writing responses for homework, but it still seems to take up most of my time.

(Velma and Annie share the comfy recliner)

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