Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Week 5 Extra Reading Diary

These stories are from the Indian Fairy Tales Unit

The Broken Pot: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch! I went through such a wide range of emotions reading this short story. At times, I felt bad that the poor man was making up all the things he could end up getting by selling his rice. Then, I felt like it was good that he should be hopeful for a better life. But then he started throwing around hypotheticals about kicking his wife, so I wasn’t too upset when he ended up ruining all possibilities of gaining anything from the rice by breaking the pot!

The Tiger, theBrahman, and the Jackal: There are lots of stories in which well-meaning characters end up taken advantage of. This one had a good ending, though. The jackal appeared to be the dumbest of all the characters, but in fact he was the most clever and useful.

Harisarman: This story is so similar to a few from the Turkish Fairytales Unit. The main character pretends to have a magical skill and falls into favor with the local ruler. When a similar situation arises, the lying character is very concerned and assumes he is doomed, but something always happens to help him keep up his façade and he ends up living happily ever after under false pretenses.

The Charmed Ring: I’m so glad that the man saved all these animals! His good deeds were rewarded with friendship and a nice house and a loving wife. I love how the cat in this story is the mastermind behind reuniting the ring to her master!

I'm glad I got to read more stories for these unit choices! I had a hard time deciding which units to pick.

(The Mastermind Cat, personal photo)

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