Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 5 Famous Last Words

This week I got to work on one of my Storybook Project stories for my weekly Storytelling (The Prolonged Elopement, based off of The Cat’s Elopement from Lang’s Japanese Fairy Tales). It was so difficult to keep the story within the maximum word limit! I will probably have to revise it a couple of times before it is ready for my Storybook, but I’m glad that I have at least a rough draft.

            I really enjoyed the stories I read this week. A common theme I am seeing throughout the weeks is that people modernize their versions of the original story. These types of stories are always very interesting to read and take a lot of creativity. I can’t wait to start reading people’s Storybook Projects and Portfolios. There are a lot of talented writers in this class, so I am sure the projects will be fantastic.

            This week I have been focusing a lot on an upcoming presentation for my Social Development class. I absolutely love the class, but I am dreading the presentation because I hate public speaking. One of the many great things about Myth-Folklore is that there is no public speaking involved. It is so much easier for me to participate with written words instead of speaking in front of the class!

            Last night was Friday the 13th, so my boyfriend and I upheld our tradition of watching a scary movie :[  We decided on The Blair Witch Project. We tried to watch it a few years ago and could not make it through more than twenty minutes or so! This time, we successfully watched the whole movie and were sufficiently freaked out for a Friday the 13th. Those are the only days I will agree to a scary movie because they are not my thing.

(Model Annie)

(Velma Khan)

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