Friday, January 9, 2015

My Favorite Place: Wherever My Family Is!

I love living in Norman, but it's so nice to go home to Texas and be with my family.

(Image information: personal photo of my older sister, Kelsey; myself; and my mom, Ana; photo from December 2013.) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a lovely picture of the three of you, Brianne! And there is, as always, a big Texas contingent in the class; if you browse around the Favorite Places posts so far, you'll find Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth... and I'm an Austin girl myself! :-)
    I hope you will have fun with the class! Oh, and there's even a unit of Native American legends from Texas: fabulous stuff! You might want to give that a try: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and Other Indian Legends (it's one of my favorite units, both because of the great stories but also the cool illustrations also)
