Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cupid and Psyche -- Reading Diary B

Venus and the Goddesses: This is not Venus’ shining moment on any account. Her son has come to her home, physically wounded and heartbroken, and she makes everything worse by yelling at him. She pays no attention to his perspective and instead makes everything about her. Cupid doesn’t even argue back or defend himself while she berates and threatens him. While I don’t know all the specifics of the transgressions that Venus talks about, I do know that a mother should never speak that way to her child. Not even the other goddesses seem able to calm her down with their words of reason.    

Psyche’s Prayer: Both Ceres and Juno really like Psyche and wish they could help her. Unfortunately, both goddesses also have strong ties to Venus, which win out over their desire to protect the mortal girl. I had forgotten until now that Psyche is pregnant, presumably with a mortal child since she went against her husband’s commands to leave his identity a secret. I hope this all ends well for Cupid and Psyche, but I have a bad feeling about it.

Venus and Psyche: There is so much abuse in this scene! I’m also very surprised that Venus would threaten a baby (her own grandchild). This story really paints Venus in a bad light. She doesn’t at all seem to be the goddess of love, as she completely disregards the love Cupid and Psyche share.

Psyche’s Task: I’m glad to hear that Cupid and Psyche still both love each other, despite their little fight. Fingers crossed that Psyche will continue to be successful at the tasks and then be allowed to be with Cupid again.

The Jar of Beauty: No! Don’t do it, Psyche! She made it so far and completed so many tasks. She’s so close to possibly being with Cupid again, but she’s about to ruin it by trying to take some of the beauty meant for Venus. Ugh…

The Wedding Feast: Yay, a happy ending for Cupid and Psyche! This scene strangely reminded me of the Twilight books. Psyche becomes immortal and then has a daughter.  

(Psyche by  William Bouguereau)
Bibliography: From the Cupid and Psyche Unit, originally from The Golden Ass by Apuleius, translated by Tony Kline.

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