Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

I think that my favorite reading so far has been the Cupid and Psyche Unit. It was a story I was slightly familiar with before this class, but I really enjoyed reading it and writing the Storytelling afterwards. I also loved all the illustrations from this unit. It was also really cool to read other people’s Storytellings and see the different directions each person chose to go in from the same original story. I picked the image below because it was one of my favorite pictures for the unit.

(Psyche by  William Bouguereau)
I had some other favorites, too. I really enjoyed the Turkish Fairy Tales Unit and the Japanese Fairy Tales Unit. Both of these units gave me at least one story that really inspired me to write the Storytelling for that week. While I’m not sure if I enjoyed these two units the most overall, they stick out in my mind because I really enjoyed writing the Storytellings for those units.

I definitely use my Reading Diary posts to write my Storytellings. If I didn’t include a story in my Reading Diary, I know it did not catch my attention enough to be a Storytelling. Also, sometimes in my Reading Diaries I will include rough ideas for possible Storytellings. This is helpful to remind me of my brainstorming even if I write my Storytelling days after the Reading Diaries.


  1. Brianne, I didn't read the Cupid and Psyche unit, but I love the picture you included! I'm sure that was a great read, and I may go back and read it at some point. I did read the Turkish Fairy Tales and enjoyed those stories. But I do the same thing as you and include rough storytelling ideas in my Reading Diaries so that I can remember these ideas later!

  2. I had already commented on your introduction, so I thought I would comment on this! Cupid and Psyche has also been one of my favorite units so far! I want to read your story for this unit sometime! Both of the other units you mentioned are ones that I also wanted to do. Choosing units is ridiculously hard sometimes! You made some good points.
