Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 11 Reading Diary B: Celtic Fairy Tales (Jacobs)

These stories are from the Celtic Fairy Tales (Jacobs) Unit.

The Shee an Gannon andthe Gruagach Gaire: Wow, this story was kind of all over the place. There was really multiple different stories embedded within. I still don’t really see how all the different pieces fit together. There was a lot of violence in this story, too.

Beth Gellert: No, no, no! This is just like a story from the Welsh Fairy tales and I can’t handle it. In all honesty, I stopped reading this story! A word of caution to animal lovers!

The Tale of Ivan: First of all, it’s really sad that Ivan has to leave his wife in search of work. Just based off of this, if I was making a storytelling on this story I might consider making it about an immigrant who comes to the U.S. to make a living and must leave his family behind. And, even though I was surprised that Ivan would leave without his wages, this story ended up being really cute. Ivan followed all the man’s advice and was a good person and in the end was rewarded well for his character.

Brewery of Eggshells: This story is like a changeling story. I got an idea for a really dark storytelling after reading this story. If this story were to happen in real life (a mom throwing her children into a lake) it would turn up on a crime show. Thankfully for this mother, she got her real children back. In the storytelling that came into my mind, there was a much darker ending :/

The devil steals a baby and leaves a changeling behind, early 15th century, detail of "The legend of St. Stephen" by Martino di Bartolomeo

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